Planning a wedding can be complicated. Lots of moving parts that need to fit together just right. When it goes well – beautiful! It looks easy-peasy. No one is the wiser to all the muss and fuss that went into getting the details just right. That is because all the work is hidden, like an iceberg! The work of a marriage officiant is like that, too. Marriage Officiants When officiants perform a marriage, all that most people see is the short ceremony culminating with pronouncements. Similar to other presentations, a lot of work goes into making it perfect. Loved ones […]

Gender Neutral & Affirming Wedding Terms
That feeling when both you and your guests feel included at your wedding ceremony? Priceless! Be proactive to ensure this is a reality. Using gender neutral and affirming wedding terms is one step to achieve your goal. Think about the words that you are using and if they carry additional (unwanted or unnecessary) significance. For instance, to do this focus on the relationship, rather than the gender. Words matter Your engagement is a special time of your relationship. As your wedding day approaches, the excitement builds. Naturally, you want to enjoy the process. Especially as you begin a new life […]
Unplugged Weddings
An unplugged ceremony is not about an acoustic guitar accompaniment – however lovely it would be. Having an unplugged wedding is a not-so-new trend. It means guests are asked to turn off all electronics. No texting. No posting to Instagram. And, no photos, either. Just. Be. Present. There are many reasons to ask wedding guests to put electronics away. Being present and focused on the special moment is certainly a worthwhile motivation. A no phones rule is one of the simplest ways to create an environment for all attendees to be mindful of the event. Encourage opportunities for your friends […]
Marriage Officiants do What?
So, you thought it was just reading a script and that was it, huh? Not so fast. While “counter marriages” are possible, they are not the norm. Even if you don’t want a big shindig, having a special marriage ceremony is not only doable, it is something to seek out. After all, you and the love you share are worth it! Your Love Story This is it! The big moment when you declare your love for one another to each other, your family and friends and the world. Married! Think about how you and your fiancee first met. Was it […]
Wedding Boom
Many of the postponed wedding ceremonies from the past two years have been rescheduled for 2022. Imagine that! Naturally, this is creating a wedding boom! Case in point, the Wedding Vault reports that there will be 15% more weddings this year! With so many others also planning nuptials, it is helpful to think through what steps you can take to make your planning go smoothly. Venues A wedding ceremony on a Tuesday night? Why not! Think about what aspect of your day is most important to you and where you don’t want to budge. Then, for the less important points, […]
Jumping the Broom
Incorporating family or cultural rituals into a wedding ceremony connects the past with the future. While there are many different traditions to choose from, one in particular has significant meaning for African American heritage: Jumping the Broom. It is a noun, identifying the practice. In addition, it has also taken on meaning as a phrase signifying marriage. For instance, We’re going to jump the broom! This is similar to, We’re going to tie the knot! History The jumping the broom lore varies. Some suggest it is a ritual from the British Isles, others say it is from Ghana. Similarly, some […]
Special Wedding Dates
It is understandable why certain wedding dates have unique appeal. For starters, special dates are easy to remember. (Hint – hint, come anniversary time.) When the numerical dates are symmetrical, there is a comforting aspect, too. Finally, not to be under-valued, well-balanced numbers can look smashing on wedding invitations or keepsake items. Plus, they are fun! Twosdays: 2/2/22 or 2/22/22 If your lucky number is two, February is the month for you! February 2nd rolls right off the tongue. And, for a double-special date, February 22 even falls on a Tuesday – making it a Twosday Tuesday! Palindrome Wedding Dates […]
Winter Solstice Weddings
Starting your journey as a married couple on the first day of winter holds special meaning. December 21 is the winter solstice. It is also the shortest day of the year (for those in the northern hemisphere). Therefore, it is the longest night. Crisp air. The potential for a snow-covered backdrop. An appreciation and celebration of light and life! Vows and Poetry Solstice weddings can feel fresh and magical. They offer perfect opportunities to recognize life cycle traditions, and our connections to the earth and sun. Celebrate nature. If you have a December wedding planned, your Justice of the Peace […]
Wedding Planning with Kids
If you have children – the under 18 kind – then when you get married, the kids are part of the package. Bringing two families together is at the heart of all marriage ceremonies. When there are children involved, especially if those kids are not of the union of the couple getting married, then there is special significance to the ceremony. Deciding how to include your children in the wedding ceremony can be fun, and something that you can do together. Venues Choose a location where the kids will feel comfortable. Naturally, their ages will influence your decision. A backyard […]
On-Time Ceremony
There are those who are on-time, no matter what. And then, well, there are others who try to squeeze in one more activity before the next scheduled event – and this pushes them off schedule. Make note. Your wedding is not the place to be a tidsoptimist, or a time optimist. In other words, don’t be late because you think you have more time than you actually do. Being tardy can make you feel unnecessarily stressed. On the other hand, being on time for your wedding ceremony shows you care about and respect the people who are there. This includes […]
Be You – Tradition be gone!
Your wedding ceremony is all about you and your partner. Making sure it reflects your vision is the most important. It is your wedding, after all. So the rules are — There are no rules! Focus on what makes you happy. And then do it. Money Doing it your way may mean forgoing the financial benefit of someone else footing the bill. But, what if that generous contribution also means that you are stressed out and the day is not what you’ve envisioned? Or, even worse, it feels inauthentic. Well, it may be time to rethink the arrangement. “The Walk” […]
Small Wedding Trend
Sometimes, making do with less is more! Initially the coronavirus pandemic forced couples to rethink their wedding plans: live streaming the ceremony; nuptials outdoors no matter the weather; pared down guest lists. Of all of these wedding features, having fewer guests seems to be here to stay. What we’ve realized during this time is that small weddings keep us safe and so much more! When not trying to accommodate a large crowd, the newfound extras can be spent on what really matters to you. Small Wedding Benefits Recognizing all the good that comes from a micro-wedding isn’t so hard. For […]
Flexible Wedding Planning
Planning a wedding can feel daunting under the best of circumstances. Now more than ever, when COVID guidance changes by the day, having a strategy to keep your cool is so important. Flexibility is the name of the game. This will allow you to move fluidly, keeping everyone safe and yourself calm. Prioritize Think about what you need to have to make your day the way you want it. When making choices, focus on what is most important: the love between you and your betrothed. Some serious soul-searching might be in order as you make difficult decisions. When you remember that […]