After living together for 14 years, whenever we talked about getting married, the biggest obstacle was the wedding itself. My kids were teenagers, his were married with young children of their own. After all this time living like an old married couple, we were embarrassed to make a big deal of it. Yet we wanted our friends and family to be present. On the Friday before a planned party to celebrate his 60th birthday with all the kids and a few friends coming, I had a light bulb moment. Here was the perfect opportunity to have it both ways! (He […]
Justices of the Peace
The Rainbow Logo
One of the most meaningful wedding ceremonies I have performed as a New Hampshire Justice of the Peace was on Loon Mountain in September, with a panorama of the White Mountains before us. Rather than that priceless vista, however, it was the couple and our special connection that made it memorable. It all started when they came across a picture of me standing in front of a rainbow flag. The two women had wanted to be married for years but were stymied by the laws of their home state, North Carolina. When the US Congress repealed the infamous DOMA, the […]
Put Some Humor in the Wedding Ceremony
So you’re determined that your wedding be “one of kind” and extraordinary. You’re even thinking about adding a bit of whimsy to your ceremony to capture the spirit that makes the two of you such a signature couple. But how do you strike the right tone? Let’s face it, your wedding day is supposed to be a solemn occasion. You’ll be entering into a serious life commitment. You don’t want to come across as silly or disrespectful. Yet, a little humor can go a long way towards lightening up the tension and encouraging appreciative smiles among your wedding guests. With […]
Make the Most of Getting Married: Do It Again and Again!
People in the wedding biz are noticing a strange movement afoot. More and more couples are choosing to have several wedding ceremonies. Indeed, a recent ABC news article confirms that this “serial wedding” formula is becoming fashionable among the younger set: “One of the hottest trends when it comes to weddings…is for ‘nearly-weds’ to plan for multiple wedding ceremonies.” Most bride-groom marriages in the U.S. are recognized in all 50 states. So why are so many couples getting married twice or thrice, or even more times? Because they want to! Are you considering the multiple-wedding route? Here’s a typical scenario that […]
Beyond “I Do”: Incorporating Religious Elements (or Not) in your Wedding Ceremony
If you are planning a wedding, you may be wondering which elements of your marriage ceremony are absolutely required by law and which are optional. How much of the ceremony can you create from scratch to reflect your and your fiancé’s beliefs and sentiments? Saying “I do” before a person licensed by the State to marry you is all you need to get married. But that is not nearly enough for most couples. Most desire a much richer ceremony, one that is particularly meaningful to them. And we Justices of the Peace are eager to help you fashion the wedding ceremony that you […]
Make Your Wedding Ceremony Your Own — the Modern Way!
If you are determined to break with convention by designing your own wedding, you are not alone. These days, Justices of the Peace are being asked to officiate at more creative and non-traditional wedding ceremonies. This trend is seen in the chosen attire, the wording of the ceremony, the style of music, and even in the way a couple travels down the aisle. Modern weddings often reflect a couple’s lifestyle and personality. Wedding attire, for example. I’ll never forget the couple who dressed quite casually — in jeans, while the groomsmen wore vests and the bridesmaids wore cowboy boots. The bride placed no requirements […]
4 Reasons to Consider a Wedding for Just the Two of You
Weddings represent a rite of passage in most of our lives. They represent a turning point and a new dream of the future. Why then – on such an important occasion – would you choose a ceremony just for the two of you (and the wedding officiant)? Here are the top four reasons why an intimate “just the two of you” wedding may be right for you. 1. A “just the two of you” wedding is affordable. Fancy weddings can cost tens of thousands of dollars and in today’s uncertain economy saving for future major expenses may make more sense than […]
Whom should you ask to marry you? A JP, of course!
Having been a Justice of the Peace for several years, and having been married more than once myself, I think it is safe to say that I have heard the question “Will you marry me?” probably more than most people. Usually it starts with a phone call that goes something like this: “Hi, I’m getting married and wanted to talk to you about your JP services.” Or “I found your name on I’m getting married in February. Can you help me?” And more than a dozen times, “Your listing on says you do short notice. My wedding is […]
I Love Small Weddings
I’ve married people in all sorts of places – from town halls to “posh” venues. Yet so often the weddings that move me deeply are the small, unassuming affairs. They are the kinds of weddings that I think about again and again, over a cup of coffee the next morning or the next year. These lovely little weddings occur in the corner of someone’s living room in front of a china cabinet or in a back yard under a blossoming apple tree. The bride is always beautiful in a freshly ironed dress. The groom is always handsome in a freshly […]
What’s the Difference Between a Legal Marriage and a Wedding Ceremony?
Updated: Legal Marriage vs. Marriage Ceremony, published November 23, 2020 A bride-to-be posted a great question on Ask a JP because it gets at one of the most commonly confused facets of getting married: the distinction between the legal and the ceremonial. When we think of weddings, we tend to think of the legal and the ceremonial as being intertwined and integral to each other. While this is typically the case, it doesn’t have to be. Here in Connecticut we have very specific laws about who is eligible to marry, who may officiate a marriage, and other technical details associated […]
Choosing a Wedding Officiant
This article was updated and revised on March 25, 2021. Choosing a Justice of the Peace to perform your marriage ceremony ought to be more important than the invitations you select, the food you serve, or the music you choose. Spending time selecting JPs to interview—summing up in a conversation the details of your romance, the hopes and dreams you share—is indeed very personal business. Just like the chemistry in finding your life partner, finding the right person to officiate is of special consideration. For me, the right combination of seriousness, humor and understanding makes the partnership comfortable and exciting, […]
Be On Time for Your Wedding
“I entreat you to start your ceremony no more than 15 minutes after your scheduled time…” Your JP can have two to three ceremonies on your wedding day so please try to start your ceremony no more than 15 minutes after your scheduled starting time. Every ceremony is important to each bride & groom and your JP wants to do the best job possible. The confirmation email I now send couples lists all my fees, several ways to contact me (and me, them) and the telephone number of the wedding location… AND a gentle reminder to START ON TIME!” Find […]
Bring back the real JPs!
Is the title “Justice of the Peace” destined to become a generic term for marriage officiant? Not so long ago, most states elected or appointed JPs whose primary duty was to perform marriages. Today many of those states have abolished that role and that official title. Justices of the Peace in Nevada, Texas, Florida and other southern and western states are primarily the lowest level of court justice for whom officiating at marriages is a subordinate (and happy) perk of the office. In some states, a law degree is a prerequisite; in others, not. The New England states are the […]