Survey – Officiant Qualifications & Appointments
Each state has a different process to appoint marriage officiants. We frequently hear about problems in Connecticut. There, justice of the peace appointments are political – even though there is nothing political about the role. The resulting problems are multifold, as evidenced by the many complaints reported to JPus from our members. In response, JPus is working with legislators and the Secretary of the State’s office and interviewing stakeholders. The plan is to formulate the research into a white paper to enact legislative change.
A related matter is qualifications – especially when comparing professionals with amateurs officiants. At JPus, we oftentimes hear from members who suggest that training should be required before someone performs a wedding. Survey results are now available.
Related Links
- More about JPus’ research on Connecticut’s JP appointment process
- See survey results, now available.
- See how JPus is advocating to address the problems with amateur officiants
- Learn about the JP and notary role, state-by-state
- We advocate on other marriage-related issues
Websites’ Improved Performance
Take notice of the improved website performance of both and It’s a big deal!
The Justice of the Peace Association has made a significant investment to improve website hosting. In other words, even better performance, security and SEO. You may observe that the and websites are faster. What you cannot see is Google taking notice. Increased page loading times results in enhanced couple engagement and better user experience. is a very complex database website. As such, it requires the computer system to go through an extraordinary amount of steps each time a user searches for officiants on a state, county or town page. Or, when it searches for a specific member. In essence, this recent expenditure takes the website platforms to a whole new level.
Improved Site Performance
We all like a fast website. Naturally, rapid loading speeds have many benefits.
- Improved customer satisfaction. That means couples looking for an officiant, and our members, too!
- The improved hosting also results in better security and less interference – both affect search results.
- Strong conversion rates. This supports couples following links and connecting with their perfect JP or notary ~ you!
This is not a one-time deal. Know that we’re continuously optimizing the website for ongoing improvements. Thus, you can count on JPus to maximize benefits.
Related Links
- Understanding the difference between JPus and findaJP
- How to Improve Profile Visibility
- See other website updates with the rebuild launch
Training – Working with the Deaf
See the Webinar!
Justices of the Peace, notaries and other marriage officiants will benefit from this learning opportunity. Participating in this webinar will increase your efficiency, helping you grow professionally and personally, making you a better marriage officiant.
- Enhance marketability.
- Improve access.
- Ensure consent.
More information and learning objectives are here.
1-Day Solemnizer – Calls Needed
Massachusetts Call to Action
A hearing on the Resolve to establish a Commission to evaluate the 1-Day Solemnizer rule will be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2021. Calls are needed to Committee Chairs to vote S.2063 favorably out of Committee. Details, including Committee Chairs’ phone numbers and a simple script are available on our Action Alert page.
Related Links
- Problems with the 1-Day Rule: read a summary
- JPus submitted a white paper to Governor Charlie Baker’s office: see it here
- How-to tips on contacting your legislators, including links to find yours
- Read the Resolve to create a commission study to evaluate the One-Day Solemnizer rule
- One-Day Solemnizers jeopardize the systems that are in place to protect children from coercion into marriage. Read about JPus’ efforts to end child marriage.
What are your favorite traditions & rituals?
Understanding the reasons behind our choices gives perspective. It helps us recognize what is our niche. Similarly, talking about our services and what we like to do builds connections with prospective couples.
What are Your Favorite Traditions and Rituals?
Tell us about your favorite tradition and ritual. Does it have personal meaning? Historical perspective? While we all perform the ceremonies that our couples desire, some are more meaningful than others. We want to hear about your special reason.
Share the News
- Send us your reason why through our JPus Facebook Page or send us an email. Include a photo, too. We’ll then share the love on our findaJP Facebook and Instagram pages. Be sure to like our pages so we can tag you!
- Check out additional details of our social media membership perk – because we’ll announce a new theme quarterly. We also have the low-down on how-to submit your story and photo on Facebook.
Related Links
- We promote our members’ replies on social media. See the last video on Facebook.
- Details on how to participate in this social media perk are explained in this article.
- Follow all of JPus and findaJP’s social media platforms.
- Make sure that posts on Facebook make it to your newsfeed. This article explains how to reflect your preferences.
- Learn more about the JPus Facebook Page, and why its Likes, Follows and Reviews matter to you.